Anti-Christ or Savior?

by Joshua P. Warren

You may be sick of hearing about Barack Obama, yet we can't overestimate his upcoming significance to world affairs. I have always been registered as an Unaffiliated voter, and I have voted for people in various parties available over the years. Given my work in media, I am often asked about my thoughts on Obama. In fact, I will be at the inauguration in Washington, D.C. on January 20, 2009. So, for now, here's what I think . . .

George W. Bush was a very reckless man. The pros and cons of his decisions will be debated for centuries, but even those who agree with his choices usually realize he did not present himself in a mature, presidential, diplomatic manner to create a positive, respectful aura for the country. We live in a global marketplace, and the arrogant, ego-centric attitude of the Bush administration, coupled with the incestuous relationships of D.C. politics and private corporations--gross mishandling of the U.S. budget and economic ties--have weakened our country in the eyes of the world. The Founders created a governmental structure that could change; could swing back and forth over time in hopes of attaining some sense of overall balance. Bush took us so far in one direction, that a power vacuum was created. This hole caused such depression, that it could only be filled by a rush of enormous hype and emotion with a powerhouse of charisma at its core. The dark polarization Bush brought could only be neutralized by what seemed to be an extreme anti-Bush. Hence, Obama. But is this a little bit scary? Maybe, thanks to Bush. Here's what I mean:

Of all the things Bush authorized that would make Thomas Jefferson roll in his grave (e.g. HR-6166, the Military Commissions Act of 2006), the worst may have been the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive May 9 of 2007. ( You can read it yourself on the White House website at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/05/20070509-12.html ) Though this received very little media attention when it was released, Bush gave the office of the President dictatorial powers on paper. At any time, the president can declare a state of "Catastrophic Emergency" and take control over all branches of federal, state, territorial, tribal, and local governments, and "private sector organizations" until the President decides the state of emergency is over. So how do we define this state of "Catastrophic Emergency"?

direct quote:

"Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions;

Sounds like we're already in that state, doesn't it?! Note, it says "regardless of location." It is no stretch for a president to say it's now time for his ultimate power to kick in. BUT, here's what you must realize: Regardless of whether or not you supported Bush, he laid the groundwork for any president, or anyone in line to presidential power in the case of an emergency, to do whatever he or she wants, even in your own back yard. The Bush administration has pulled off so many tricks, they even asked to be pardoned from any charges in the future! (See CNN segment at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBUkxvfL_eE ) It's therefore unlikely that Bush had the popularity to enact this state of emergency. But who might???

The amount of support Barack Obama has is truly amazing. He seems thoughtful and articulate, able to inspire action at a local, grassroots level. With Democratic control of the congress, and such enthusiasm from the citizens, he has extraordinary power. Obama can use this for acts of unprecedented goodness or unprecedented destruction. What will he do?

Personally, I was happy to see Obama win. I clearly understood the necessity for Americans to disown Bush and his colleagues and come out strong for "the opposite energy." Given the choice of candidates, Obama was one of the best. I think he deserves a chance to do good, particularly when compared to whoever else could have taken the office. However, Bush left a tempting little morsel of paper on the table--the ability for Obama to become a dictator at will. Thanks Mr. Bush! In fact, I have a problem with the entire idea of Presidential Executive Orders that are signed directly into law by one man's stroke of the pen and without any legislative oversight. But that's a deeper problem with our corrupt system. Dealing with the matter at hand, Obama can be our country's savior or demon. The scariest part is that if he ends up being a tyrant, he will probably do it with good intentions.

We have finally reached the point, technologically, where humans and every aspect of their lives can be easily, simply, cheaply tracked by the government. I have many friends who voluntarily sign up for a recreational service that traces their movement all day, displaying their geographic location on web pages with startling accuracy, for friends, by using their cell phones (e.g. www.Loki.com). It's true that every single cell phone is a monitoring device. I think the government does little about the illegal immigration problem since they want to use this problem as an excuse to give us all formal tracking devices. Of course, I'm talking about the ol' chip. The result is a form of technological slavery. Many people call this "the mark of the beast," or the handiwork of the so-called "Anti-Christ." Is there any weight to this?

Though I was raised Christian, I personally have agnostic beliefs. Yet I appreciate that all points of view can tap into psychic information, regardless of how that view is defined. I have mixed feelings about 16th century prophet Nostradamus, but some of his predictions are damned eerie! For example:

The year 1999 seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
To resuscitate the great king of the Mongols. Before and after Mars reigns by good luck. (X.72)

It was that line "From the sky will come the great King of Terror" that caught me. "Terror" has become a brand name since 9/11. The great King of Terror DID come from the sky. It wasn't 1999, but it was two years later. Okay, not bad for something written hundreds of years ago by a Frenchman! I know psychic ability exists, and if you want more chilling evidence that 9/11 was anticipated, check out a You Tube clip from a TV pilot spin-off from X-Files called The Lone Gunman. This aired six months and one week before 9/11. I got chills when I watched it, and the producer claims he was tipped off by friends in the CIA. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUKQz-xm0is

Anyway, Nostradamus was a Christian, and in his language, he talked about three Anti-Christ figures. Most Nostradamus experts feel the first one was Napoleon, the second was Hitler (whom he even called "Hister," which could have also referred to the region of Hitler's birth) and he said the third usher of doom was named "Mabus."

Many have pointed out that if you write "Obama" and "Bush" side by side and look in the middle, you get: obaMABUSh

Does this mean that the combined actions of Bush and Obama will produce the apocalyptic conditions so many fear? I don't know, and I sure as hell hope not.

As of this moment, I have good feelings about Barack Obama. Currently, I think he will turn out to be a good president. BUT, if I'm wrong, he can really, really, really make, or help make, our state of humanity much worse. Again, he may even do it with sincere good intentions. But either way, we should keep a very close, cool, sober eye on Obama and his decisions. What can we do if he turns out to be an evil President? I don't know. And so, for now, my opinion of Obama is positive. I say, let's support this man and give him the benefit of the doubt. But we should always scrutinize our representatives. The decisions they make directly affect YOUR and MY life.

I've always wanted to see a Presidential inauguration. Since I have friends in D.C., I decided months ago to attend it regardless of who won. The fact that Obama won only makes it more overwhelming. The attendance will be enormous, and the fanfare unprecedented. I hope and expect to return from D.C. proud. Whatever happens, I'll write an update here, so please check back.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

~Thomas Jefferson

"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."

~Benjamin Franklin

January 14, 2009

It's now just six days till the inauguration. Printed on stiff, cream-colored paper with a gold embossed emblem at the top, here's what a formal invitation to the event looks like:

click this for a larger image

It looks like I may have closer access to the events than I had originally thought. My friend C. Eric Scott works in the D.C. media and betwixt him and assistance from the office of N.C. Congressman Heath Schuler, I might have first-row access to many of the activities, banquets and balls in the area.

This will be an enormous gala, the likes of which never before seen; even Disney World can't match this one! I have no doubt many of the mainstream reporters will be forced to give edited feedback. My reports to you will be totally unfiltered, though. I'm approaching this from a "human interest" angle and will tell you all about the vibe in the capital: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Keep checking this page for updates on what it's like to be there.

I'll be reporting back to various radio programs. My first report should be this Saturday night, January 17 on Speaking of Strange between 8 and 11pm east coast time. Micah Hanks and Will Beckwith will be hosting the show, and I'll call in when I can with a live report on what's happening. Go to www.SpeakingOfStrange.com to listen live, streaming via the net, free, from anywhere. Keep in mind, though the inauguration is just one moment on one day, the full event lasts a week. I'll do my best to capture the experience for you from an alternative perspective!

January 24, 2009

What an adventure!

Okay: I'm back, and here's the story you won't get anywhere else. So much happened that I'm just going to tell you how things proceeded, step-by-step. And, of course, as I gather new notes, more will be added, so keep checking back!

The trip to D.C. from Asheville, NC went pretty smooth until I passed Richmond, VA. There, traffic bogged, and my wife Lauren and I crept into Alexandria, VA (where I stayed), for a total time of around 10 hours driving. At one point, we noticed a large bird flying over the car. Turns out it was bald eagle--an auspicious omen! Yet on the way, I must admit, we were amazed by the number of contrails zig-zagging the sky. We wondered if these might be chemtrails, spreading some chemical to make everyone docile. That night, we and I hooked up with our buddy, filmmaker C. Eric Scott (Talking Tall, Inside the Church of Satan), and hit a few parties in Alexandria, finally eating at a bar/restaurant called Bilbo Baggins. The food was okay, but I wouldn't eat there again. This was last Saturday, Jan. 17, so I called into my radio show, SPEAKING OF STRANGE, hosted that night by Micah Hanks and Will Beckwith with an update.

The next day, Sunday, I bounced around D.C. on foot. The crowds were finally arriving. We walked around the capitol building to watch some rehearsals taking place. It was f*#@n cold!!! The wind was especially burning, and the people in the rehearsals did not look very happy.

We made our way around the mall and checked out the MSNBC booth where staffers would take your photo beside a cardboard cut-out of Obama and email it to you (a ploy to spam you). Most of the mainstream media had warm little, enclosed areas and vans, so you didn't see enough coverage about how chilly and miserable it was outside throughout the whole inauguration experience. More on that later; but we're leading up to my first WEIRDO experience . . .


Inside the Smithsonian Museum of American History, various live performances were taking place. They had three actors to portray Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln giving speeches. Jefferson and Lincoln looked uncannily realistic, but Washington looked more like John Adams in my opinion.

Outside the Smithsonian, as Lauren checked out the souvenir stands, I meandered nearby. That's when I noticed a guy who looked like a ninja, all dressed in black with a big pack, slowly open his backpack and carefully remove Mr. Potato Head dolls. He precisely set up a Potato Head family in a potted plant, then proceeded to photograph it. Finally, I interrupted his intimate moment to say, "Excuse me, sir, but why are you doing this?" He replied with a great smile.

"Oh they're here to enjoy the inauguration just like you. They've come all the way from Las Vegas, and made stops along the way. We were just in Philadelphia, and now we're here!" Though that didn't really answer my question, I felt oddly satisfied. He then invited me and Lauren to pose alongside the Potato Head family. We obliged, so if anyone finds this pic somewhere on the net, please let me know. ; )


That evening we had dinner with Robert Traynham, a Washington insider and long-time Senate staffer who gave us a conservative angle on things. Robert is a popular correspondent in many media (see www.RobertTraynham.com) and was primarily optimistic about the new President. I enjoyed his company immensely and feel we may someday see the ambitious Mr. Traynham on the ballot.

Later that night, C. Eric Scott took us into his office building, and with the maniacal hand of a media GOD, I played around with the official Comcast joystick that controlled coverage of the Capitol Building--brew, ha, ha, ha! After spending some time in the studio, and appreciating stunning views from the top floors, we became aware of an event in the building. There was a Vermont banquet downstairs. I passed Senator Patrick Leahy (chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee who also made a cameo in THE DARK KNIGHT movie) coming off the elevator, then worked my way around to a crowd upstairs. There I found none other than Howard Dean, former presidential candidate and head of the Democrat party. I tackled Dean (he was a little man) and got a photo made with him. He was a good-natured guy, and when I told him I was a host for Clear Channel, he joked about me losing my job having been seen with him. It was memorable and historic to meet the head of the Democrat party during the time his party's candidate is being inaugurated as President. The rest of the night was a lot of fun. I got some free maple syrup from Vermont and a comedic children's DVD that looks really crappy called WOODHEAD Saves the Farm! I have no idea why they were passing out WOODHEAD movies, (with a Jerry Lewis look-alike on a tractor screaming on the cover), but if I ever actually pop this in my DVD player, I may tell you what it's about. Nobody else I interviewed seemed to know.


The next day, Monday, I had an appointment to meet my local Congressman Heath Schuler in his office. Freezing, we stood in line almost two hours to make it through capitol security. As I stood in line, a mysterious woman, heavily bundled with a wide-brimmed straw hat, walked up singing and chanting in a deep voice. She placed a necklace of dry, green vegetation around my neck. After I made sure I couldn't smoke it, I asked her what this was all about. It turns out she's a councilwoman named Emily I. Naeole from Hilo, Hawai'i.

This gift was a lei (yes, I got leid on the capitol steps), and Emily said these were created by children on her island from tea leaves to imbue the wearer with "peace and protection." I wore it the rest of the day, and it worked for me!

Standing in line, I also ran into a good ol' boy who claimed he owned Irene, the official Democratic party donkey. He said "seriously! Look me up on YouTube!" Well it looks like it was true. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-0DVfZfLSw

Once we got into the Longworth Building, due to security, we had to travel through a tunnel to reach another building where Congressman Schuler was located. With visions of the "shadow government" on my mind, I eventually made it to Schuler's office. Though it was buzzing with activity, everyone was friendly, and sodas, sandwiches, and cookies were available for all. One hippie-looking guy from Black Mountain, NC was there who said he helped out Schuler with his campaign and was getting four special tickets to the inauguration. He also said he'd been offered $1600 per ticket, but would never give them up. Cries of "Scalp! Scalp! Scalp!" rang in my skull, but I know that's considered unethical.

Schuler warmly welcomed me and Lauren into his office and I interviewed him about what it's like to be a Congressman in D.C. during this time. He called it "exciting," and said after the hoopla "then the reality kicks in; and we have a lotta work to do." Schuler commented that his family was in town and they were attending a NC ball that night and a more general Southern ball the following night. He was a nice guy, and after the interview we checked out various parts of the building and spoke with a few other Congressmen from around the country.


The overwhelming majority of people I was encountering were very positive and excited about Obama. But there were some anti-Bush folks around, as well. Some people were holding signs here and there about giving Bush the finger, and I'd heard about a group with a permit to gather before the FBI building on Inauguration Day and demand the arrest of Bush for War Crimes. But I was most intrigued with a group that had supposedly gathered thousands of shoes from across the country to throw at the White House the day before the inauguration. These people were inspired by the Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at Bush (BTW, that guy is still in prison, bruised, and cut up with his balls probably hooked to the wall socket right now), so they wanted to do it in grand style. I had reservations about being around any crowd hurtling objects at The White House, especially during this time of heightened security, but I couldn't resist.

We went to the White House, where a crowd was indeed packed, and peered onto the front lawn. There was no sign of shoes. However, later that evening, I spoke with THE garbage man who cleaned up the shoes. He assured me the protest did happen at some point during the day. He said at least 75-100 pairs of stinky footwear were tossed onto the lawn. However, there was no security action on behalf of The White House. It went largely unnoticed by the media, and all the shoes ended up in the trash. Here's an official report: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2008646368_apshoetosserprotest.html


We next made our way to the Willard Hotel where we would spend that night and most of the following night attending banquets and balls. This hotel, right next to the White House, is an amazing place. Abe Lincoln lived there for weeks prior to his inauguration, Martin Luther King wrote his famous "I Have A Dream" speech there, and Ulysses S. Grant used to frequent the lobby smoking cigars and drinking brandy. Special interest reps would hang out there to influence presidents, and it's often said the term "lobbyist" comes from their lobby. Every president since Franklin Pierce (1853) has been there, and Spielberg shot the conclusion of his film, MINORITY REPORT, on its upper floors with Tom Cruise and Max Von Sydow. Other notable guests include P.T. Barnum, Mark Twain, Harry Houdini, Emily Dickinson, and Charles Dickens.

At The Willard, the staff was extremely nice and the atmosphere welcoming. As I bounced from event to event, I encountered Miss District of Columbia. She was very personable and seemed quite intelligent and down to earth, as well. I interviewed her, and that will be included on an upcoming SPEAKING OF STRANGE along with much other audio (so stay tuned). The Willard was a fantastic destination during this experience, so there is more to come on that later . . .


On Tuesday, Inauguration Day, I intentionally slept late. You see, so many people were pouring into D.C. that I developed a diabolical plan: if I wait till the last possible minute, everyone will already be on the mall, then I can shoot right in and find my spot in history after the masses are already in place. Several people told me I was crazy, but I've never listened to those folks before!

A friend of a friend was staying in our condo and she took the same route we were to take, from Huntington to L'Enfant. A 15 minute metro ride took her 3 hours to complete, and then standing in lines began. But my plan worked. We jumped on the metro less than an hour before the inauguration and the metro was like a ghost town. We arrived in 15 minutes, stumbled around some road blocks, passed through a Smithsonian building, then ended up on the mall, right in front of the inauguration, just in time.

Everyone was excited, but tired, after hours in the cold. I expected to be crushed by overwhelming cheers, yet it never happened. The people around me were exhausted, and their cheers were sincere but short and worn. I saw Obama and others on the stage as small figures, watching most of the action on a JumboTron. The day was bright, crisp, and positive. Perhaps the chemtrails had worked! Once Obama's speech was over, the crowd quickly moved to exit. At first, it seemed like all would go well, and then the crowd control nightmare started.

Even the cops were confused, saying exits that were supposed to exist were closed. Millions of people were being herded through small gaps, and there was much standing. No directions were offered, and we began our excursion through hours of being packed like sardines in a sea of humans as far as the eye could see. Block after block, mile after mile, we pressed forward, and I heard numerous people compare us to zombies, breath like dragon's smoke, barely stumbling forth in the biting freeze. Though the situation on the mall was fine, with plenty of porta potties and hot chocolate, once we were in the maze of endless blockades to leave, there were no bathrooms, open businesses, or places to stop and rest. We pushed off in front of one building to have an intercom turn on and tell us we could not be there.

Old people were growing especially weak. At one point, an ambulance, with its ear-piercing siren, pushed through the crowd. Some of the people grabbed its back bumper and decided to run behind it. After a string of people developed running behind the vehicle, military men with M-16s screamed through megaphones: "You are endangering your fellow citizens! Please stop running!" They started blocking off the crowds. Professional photographers climbed into trees, and onto high landscape, to incessantly shoot the sea of faces.

Mind you, I knew I was getting into a huge crowd on a cold day. I'm not just being a wimp here. Yet I tell you this situation was inhumane. We simply pressed on, step after step, block after block, until Lauren and I eventually saw a break onto a street where we found a Quizno's. We rushed inside for warmth. Dozens of people stood in line for the ONLY open bathroom. We got in line to order a sub, and couldn't even sit down to eat it. At that point, I called into TAKE A STAND with Matt Mittan to describe the scene.

When we finally headed back onto the streets, I noticed an establishment near the parade route that seemed closed. It was the Xcape Saloon, "D.C.'s Oldest Sports Bar." Thank God, they were actually open, and we waited for a seat around 20 minutes. During that time, the building's fire alarm went off and there was a scene of chaos. No one knew what to do. We were finally told it was a mere glitch, and then something miraculous happened: we were seated by a window, with two outside doors, directly beside the parade route--a projection screen airing CNN before us. It was perfect; a place to stay warm, run outside when the upcoming parade included something of interest, and alas see the national coverage. Over the following hours, we spent almost $200 on booze--warmth really--holding onto that table. When something interesting happened outside on the parade route, we could race out to see it then take our place back in the saloon. At one point, John Kerry was just outside. I was perhaps ten feet away from him before the cops began pushing people back and ordering them away. I called C. Eric Scott who had been working on the mall. He said the parade barricades were ridiculous and that his crew couldn't even get back to their van. Until those barriers were removed we were trapped.

In the evening, after the long parade passed (including Obama's limo), the crowd finally began to dissipate, and the barricades loosened. We left the sports bar to make our way back to the Willard. That night, we passed from ball to ball absorbing the exuberance of everyone in attendance. It was a great evening, and we enjoyed the experience immensely. One of the events I covered was the IAMMM Unity Celebration, and everyone there was overcome with joy. It was a wonderful experience. Finally Eric was able to pick us up and drive us back to Alexandria.


On Wednesday, Lauren and I slept into the afternoon, exhausted and fulfilled. I didn't want to get on the roadways since I knew the morning would be a nightmare. I figured we'd leave around 5 or 6pm and get back at 3 or 4am--weird hours. So I wanted to spend that afternoon by visiting the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria. It was a tower that loomed over Alexandria, almost like a compliment to the stark Washington Monument in the distance. The tower was capped with a pyramid, reminiscent of the one dollar bill and all seeing eye. Eric said they had a reproduction of the Ark of the Covenant, and I especially wanted to see that.

We arrived at the Monument just in time for their last tour of the day at 3pm. A short, stern fellow with white hair and an elaborate, curled mustache guided us, complete with various Masonic decorations on his suit. It was 9 stories tall, and included a strand of George Washington's hair, many ancient Babylonian displays, and, of course, the Ark. Done to the dimensions described in the Bible, it was smaller than I expected. I figure four strong men could have easily carried it, even made of dense gold, despite stories to the contrary saying some supernatural anti-gravity property would be necessary. Speaking of the Bible, at various floors the Bible was included at a display, always open to Ecclesiastes Chapters 8-12. The top floor of the Monument featured a rendition of King Solomon's Throne. Though our guide often spoke about Biblical values and how Freemasons help children, he said nothing about the array of weird symbols we encountered at every floor. One lady asked him why they were a "secret society." He said vehemently "We are not a secret society; we are a society with secrets!" He also said that Obama is not a Mason. On the top floor, we stepped outside onto a railed walkway just below the pyramid. The view of Alexandria and D.C. was breathtaking and cold. There was certainly a sense of power.

After dinner at a nearby steakhouse, we headed out around 7pm. Fortunately, the drive back was pretty smooth with only a slight clog just before Richmond. We got back at our house near Asheville around 4am.


On our way back home, I listened on the radio to what Obama had done. It was strange that he repeated the oath due to Judge Robert's mistake. Many conspiracy theorists will say Obama's official inauguration (the 2nd one) was done without a Bible, therefore confirming him as an Anti-Christ figure. I was thrilled to know Obama had cut lobbyists out of his administration, but unsure about his decision to close Guantanamo so quickly. Everyone pays close attention to what a new President does in his first days. I'd like to have seen Obama focus on domestic issues first (like suspending foreclosures or pardoning all those in prison for smoking a joint since Obama himself did in his younger days). But considering Gitmo is seen as a brutal symbol of American hypocrisy amongst the rest of the world, and we live in a global economy/society, perhaps this will elevate our moral stance in the world.

Altogether, I was most impressed with the fact there was not a single arrest during the inauguration experience. My fellow Americans endured very uncomfortable situations while remaining courteous. "Please, thank you," and "excuse me," were often heard. I was primarily surrounded by smiles and people beaming with the positive. I have therefore come away from this experience inspired. I'm glad I was there, and I will have stories to tell the rest of my life, but I will not do this again. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I am better, richer, for having been there and felt it. I must tell you, everything was good, and I believe our country--hopefully our world--is now on a better path.

Updated February 16, 2009

Thus far, Obama's presidency is a big disappointment.

When he got into office and passed the policy against lobbyists and special interest groups, I cheered. But since then, everything else has been a joke.

If the world sees Gitmo as the symbol of everything America did wrong regarding the Iraq War, then fine, shut it down as an example of new philosophy. But couldn't he have dealt with some life-altering domestic issues FIRST?

How about all those people who are serving prison sentences here in the States for smoking a joint? Should we throw people in a cage and violate their civil rights over this? I'd much rather see the president first re-address those issues with American citizens before spending time on non-Americans who may have been engaged in violent acts. I'd like to ask Obama if his life would have turned out better if HE had been thrown in prison for his own drug use.

And this stimulus bill blew my mind. This didn't do jack s@#!t the first time and it's not going to do jack s@#!t this time. Here is exactly what the president should have done:

1. Suspend all foreclosures for a limited period of time until this economy gets back on track.

2. Take that $787 billion and divide it equally amongst every legal, adult American taxpayer. How would you like a check for at least $100,000 showing up in your mailbox? This would not only allow the citizens to pay off their debts and re-invest in business, but skyrocket patriotism like never before! This was an opportunity to excite all Americans and show the world we take care of our citizens. But no: he blew a prime opportunity with a pork-laden bill that is probably not going to directly improve your life at all. What a crock.

It's hard to see the glory of the inauguration--the excitement and hopefulness of the people--and then watch so little actually change. Granted, he's only been in office less than a month, but in that month he has made some big decisions that could have been wonderful for the citizens. I'm convinced more and more that Democrats and Republicans are no different--equally corrupt and out of touch. On my radio show, Speaking of Strange, I recently interviewed the controversial David Icke. He said "you don't care who wins the SuperBowl if you own the NFL." True. This electoral system is owned and controlled by super-wealthy people who only want to enrich themselves more, packing our money closer to the top of the pyramid. God help us . . . and I mean that . . .

I will continue to place my thoughts on Obama here, so please return for more. And if you've found my insight valuable, please tell others to sign up for my free, and spam-free, e-newsletter through the box below.

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