Professional paranormal experts are here for you.
A friendly, knowledgeable voice is waiting for you. Our consultation fee is $3.99 per minute.
We simply get your contact information and credit card number through our secure, online form.
After we verify your information, we'll email you to schedule a time ASAP.
At that time, a consultant will call you.
We will keep track of the conversation's length and bill you accordingly. Remember, this is not a phony psychic service, but a line to a real expert who will share his knowledge with you. We don't have all the answers, but we'll give you experienced, professional advice.
Enter your name, email address, and credit card info on our order form. In doing so, you state you have permission to do so, are over the age of 18, and agree to be billed, for your call, at $3.99 per minute, from the moment you identify yourself as the correct person when we call.
To proceed
Under "Item# & Description" just type "Paranormal Hotline." We look forward to hearing from you and providing a warm voice in the cold darkness . . .