
An Eerie Ball of Light

In November of 2001, L.E.M.U.R. conducted a 3-night camping expedition on Brown Mountain, eerie site of the unexplained Brown Mountain Lights. On the first night, researchers Joshua P. Warren, Brian Irish, and Casey Fox observed the ridge from approx. 1000 feet away. At around 9pm, they noticed a bright, white light rising above Brown Mountain. Warren and Irish both rolled video as the object, over the course of a minute, steadily ascended straight up into the sky vertically, finally disappearing into space. It made no noise and had no blinking or colored lights like traditional aircraft. Upon review of the footage, they found the light oscillated at a rapid pace.

According to legend, Brown Mountain is haunted by Native American spirits. What was this?

An Angry Spirit Attacks

This may be one of the most important video clips ever captured.

In 2001, the L.E.M.U.R. team investigated an extremely haunted home in South Carolina. The residents were not only seeing apparitions, but also witnessing physical objects being moved about in a poltergeist-like fashion.

At one point, in the evening, our Tri-Field Natural EM Meter was set up on a chair in an active room. L.E.M.U.R. Vice President and Imaging Specialist, Brian Irish, monitored the room through his night vision video camera. Team President, Joshua P. Warren, was also observing the room.

The meter was set to detect electromagnetism. Suddenly, the device let forth a squeal indicating a maximum reading. Simultaneously, the meter appeared to be knocked forward, and then up on its side. Amazingly, Irish captured the incident beautifully.

This gif does not include sound, however you can clearly see the meter fall forward then up on its side. Keep in mind, it is a bulky device weighing nearly a pound.

This footage is important for two reasons. Firstly, of all the things that could have been moved, it was a meter that showed us, at least in part, what kind of energy was affecting it. Secondly, because it goes forward and then up on its side: two perpendicular lines of force. We have tried repeatedly to push the device one time, in one direction, and recreate the event. However, we have never succeeded.

Can ghosts manipulate the physical environment? This piece of footage seems to provide the chilling answer.

This photo was taken in the attic of a haunted house in 2001. During a L.E.M.U.R. investigation, Joshua P. Warren and a fellow researcher were shocked to find a blue-gray mist swirling between them. The anomaly lasted for 15-30 seconds, then began to dim. Before the mist disappeared completely, Warren was able to snap this digital photo. Even though the manifestation was dwindling, it is still clearly visible. Notably, the picture also displayed orbs that were not visible to the naked eye.

The top image is the original photo, while the bottom one is an enhancement with sharpness added.

A Ghost in the White House

In 1950, President Harry Truman was renovating the White House. The process was documented by Abbie Rowe, a National Parks Service photographer. One of the historic photos shows a startling sight. You can see three men posing at the back of the construction site. But to their left, another figure appears. This one is translucent, and appears to be looking right at the camera. If this is simply the effect of a long exposure, why is everything else so clear, and why is the boundary of the phantom so clear? This may be the ONLY photograph of a full-bodied apparition ever taken at the White House. Truly fantastic!

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