Photo Album

With (left to right) psychics Karyn Reece and Laura Lee, and Ed Okonowicz for TLC's Possessed Possessions, 2005

           At the desk of N.C. Governor Mike Easley in 2004          Producing plasmas in the lab with Charles Yost, 2004

         Camping on Brown Mountain to study the Lights in 2001        Visiting the Rhine Research Center for the first time

 With James Van Praagh on the set of TLC's Possessed Possessions   With James Van Praagh and author Ed Okonowicz

   Investigating a haunted house with Casey Fox and Brian Irish       At Wiseman's View, overlooking Brown Mountian

            With Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe in 2004          With William R. Forstchen and Phyllis Galde (publisher of FATE) in 2004

With Patrick Huyghe (UFO expert), Phyllis Gale, and Loren Coleman

                                At Niagara Falls, 2005                                             Looking for the Lake Norman Monster

Investigating a pirate torture chamber at Fort Fincastle in the Bahamas, 2004

              Roughing it in the Bermuda Triangle, Halloween 2004          In Point Pleasant, WV investigating Mothman, 2005

            With Death Touch Grandmaster Tom Cameron, 2004        In the middle of a crop circle, Yancy County, NC, 2005

           Manning the elaborate base camp at Brown Mountain                       On a Travel Channel set in 2004

                        On a History Channel set in 2004                                Hosting Speaking of Strange at 570 WWNC


                            At the Roswell, NM crash site                                          Discovery Channel's X-Ops Team

                            Bigfoot on the set of X-Ops                                                     On the set of X-Ops

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