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Paranormal Video Clips
Some Are Animated GIFs For Easy Viewing

Just click on each one to find a video clip and description. Please allow each a few moments to load on your computer.

Brown Mountain Lights!

Fantastic footage of a paranormal ORB zooming toward the camera

Our EMF meter being knocked over by an invisible force

An ORB emerges from furniture in a haunted house

A pulsating UFO rises over Brown Mountain

Does this security footage from London show the ghost of Henry VIII?

This amazing clip of a full bodied apparation (right) stepping over a non-existant wall at Gettysburg, was captured by Patrick's Burke, President of the American Battlefield Ghost Hunters Society.

ALSO, for Richard Liebeck's full-bodied apparition, click HERE.

More clips will be added as they are processed!

Do you have paranormal photo or video to be examined? Click HERE.

For a great selection of paranormal images, visit Brian Irish’s site by clicking HERE.